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Journal Publications

Citation Data: Google Scholar; Research Gate profile


*Co-first author; #Co-corresponding author


Little, S. R., Leung, Z., Quach, A. B., Hirukawa, A., Gholizadeh, F., Hajiaghayi, M., ... & Shih, S. C. (2023). A Tri‐Droplet Liquid Structure for Highly Efficient Intracellular Delivery in Primary Mammalian Cells Using Digital Microfluidics. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2300719. [pdf] [si] [link] [si_movie


Kékedy-Nagy, L., Perry, J. M., Little, S. R., Llorens, O. Y., & Shih, S. C. C. (2023). An electrochemical aptasensor for Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol detection in saliva on a microfluidic platform. Biosensors & bioelectronics, 222, 114998. [pdf] [si] [link] [si_movie] 


Ahmadi, F., Simchi, M., Perry, J. M., Frenette, S., Benali, H., Soucy, J. P., Massarweh, G., & Shih, S. C. C. (2023). Integrating machine learning and digital microfluidics for screening experimental conditions. Lab on a chip, 23(1), 81–91.  [pdf] [si] [link] 


Samlali, K., Alves, C. L., Jezernik, M., & Shih, S. C. (2022). Droplet digital microfluidic system for screening filamentous fungi based on enzymatic activity. Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 8(1), 1-16. [pdf] [si] [link] 


Selim, A. S., Perry, J. M., Nasr, M. A., Pimprikar, J. M., & Shih, S. C. (2022). A Synthetic Biosensor for Detecting Putrescine in Beef Samples. ACS Applied Bio Materials. [pdf] [si] [link


Quach, A.B.V., Little, S.R., & Shih, S.C., (2022).Viral Generation, Packaging, and Transduction on a Digital Microfluidic Platform
Analytical Chemistry 2022 94 (9), 4039-4047. [pdf] [si] [link] 


Davis, A. N., Samlali, K., Kapadia, J. B., Perreault, J., Shih, S. C., & Kharma, N. (2021). Digital Microfluidics Chips for the Execution and Real-Time Monitoring of Multiple Ribozymatic Cleavage Reactions. ACS omega, 6(35), 22514-22524. [pdf] [si] [link


Perry, J. M., Soffer, G., Jain, R., & Shih, S. C. (2021). Expanding the limits towards ‘one-pot’DNA assembly and transformation on a rapid-prototype microfluidic device. Lab on a Chip, 21(19), 3730-3741. [pdf] [si] [si_movie1] [si_movie2] [link


Soffer, G., Perry, J.M., Shih, S.C.C., Real-Time Optogenetics System for Controlling Gene Expression Using a Model-Based Design, Analytical Chemistry (2021), 93 (6), 3181-3188 [pdf] [si] [si_movie] [link


Little, S.R., Perry, J.M., Samlali, K., Shih, S.C.C., Droplet Microfluidics: Applications in Synthetic Biology, Droplet Microfluidics (2020), 193-222 [pdf] [link


Ahmadi, F., Quach, A.B.V., Shih, S.C.C., Is microfluidics the “assembly line” for CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing?, Biomicrofluidics (2020), 14, 061301 [pdf] [link


Samlali, K., Ahmadi, F., Quach, A.B.V., Soffer, G., Shih, S.C.C., Single cell Isolation: One cell, one drop, one click: hybrid microfluidics for mammalian single cell isolation. Small (2020), 16, 2070190 [pdf] [si] [link] [vid1] [vid2] [vid3] [vid4] [cover] [bioRxiv]


Leclerc, L.M.Y., Soffer, G., Kwan, D.H., Shih, S.C.C., A Fucosyltransferase Inhibition Assay using Image-Analysis and Digital Microfluidics Biomicrofluidics (2019), 13, 034106 [pdf] [si] [link]


Moazami, E., Perry, J.M., Soffer, G., Husser, M.C., Shih, S.C.C., Integration of World-to-Chip Interfaces with Digital Microfluidics for Bacterial Transformation and Enzymatic Assays Analytical Chemistry (2019), 91, 5159-5168 [pdf] [si] [link]


Ahmadi, F., Samlali, K., Shih, S.C.C., An integrated droplet-digital microfluidics system for on-demand droplet creation, mixing, incubation, and sorting Lab Chip (2019), 19, 524-535 [pdf] [si] [vid] [link]


Sinha, H., Quach, A.B.V., Vo, P.Q.N., Shih, S.C.C., An automated microfluidic gene-editing platform for deciphering cancer genes Lab on Chip (2018), 18, 2300-2312 [pdf] [si] [vid] [link] Highlighted in the media: SLAS, La Presse, Concordia #1, Concordia #2


Husser, M.C., Vo, P.Q.N., Sinha, H., Ahmadi, F., Shih, S.C.C., An Automated Induction Microfluidics System for Synthetic Biology ACS Synthetic Biology (2018), 7, 933-944 [pdf] [si1] [si2] [vid] [link] [cover]


Vo, P.Q.N., Husser, M.C., Ahmadi, F., Sinha, H., Shih, S.C.C., Image-based Feedback and Analysis System for Digital Microfluidics. Lab on Chip (2017), 17, 3437-3446 [pdf] [SI] [link]


Shih, S.C.C., Moreas, C., Next Generation Tools to Accelerate the Synthetic Biology Process. Intergr. Biol. (2016), 8, 585-588 [pdf] [link]

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